Digital Business Card with Gterahosting – Step By Step Guide.

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This is a step by step guide to building a very professional digital business card using gterahosting digital business card builder. This also available on our youtube channel.

Gterahosting digital business card builders is one of gterahosting builders which include gterahosting portfolio page buildergterahosting page builder (website, landing pages) and the gterahosting business card builder do well to check these out with their amazing features.

With this tool, you don’t have to pay graphic designers lot of cash to create for you a business card as you can easily create one online.

Head over to the this link the following page bellow will show, click on the red button at the top right that says join now;

gterahosting business card builder home page
gterahosting business card builder homepage

After this a prompt will show enabling you to sign up if you’ve not had an account before or to login if you’ve already had an account as seen below;

business card builder home page

Now fill in your email address or username and sign up or login. If you forgot your password click on the forgot password button and go through some easy steps to recover your password. this involves sending a link to the email that you used to sign up for the account.

vcard builder

This should take you to this page above on VCard where you would see classic and business themes choose your desired. Both are nice and still provide neat results.

By the right are list of useful widgets that add more flexibility to your portfolio ranging from social media icons, business website integration and a lot more.

setting up your vcard

Scrolling down, to your card section, upload your personal or business banner by clicking upload image under banner do same for logo scroll down more and fill in details such as business name, location e.t.c.

using the widgets

You can add a widget functional by clicking on such widget on the right to your vcard. Example, to add website link, click on website and below banner, logo, portfolio details, a box for website url and name will appear. Start the url with a protocol either http:// or https://.

Click on save after adding all the essential things you feel you would need on the e-portfolio maybe your facebook page e.t.c.

editing your qr-code

Now you’re through with the business card details, it’s time to make your custom QR-Code.

Click on QR Builder on the left side bar and a QR-Code generator page like the one above will show where you can change the default black and white background and foreground of your QR-Code.

your finished card

After playing with your colours to customize the QR-Code, you can click on live preview to view the finished portfolio card in the left as seen above.

Make changes to what you don’t like and finally, when done, click on download QR-Code to download the code to your device which you share to anyone to see your business card.

As you see this is an amazing tool so rush an create your e-business/complimentary card with gterahosting digital business card now. 

If you still find this guide confusing or unclear we have a well explained step by step tutorial on gterhosting builders in our youtube channel.

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